Next LIVE courses starting soon:  Level 1 31 Jan, 1 OR 2 Feb.   Level 3 11 Feb.   Level 2 14 or 15 Mar.

Communication that Sticks with your Audience Simple, succinct and spacious communication – easy to remember, sometimes hard to do! I’ve been working in-house with a lot of organisations recently. And a topic that comes up over and over again is this: our ideas are only as good as our audience’s...

I spent last week in SA running workshops for both Flinders University medical workforce and...

If you’re preparing for a talk or an interview, and you write down the exact...

One of the things we’re always aiming for when we speak is to be clear....

Many of my clients try to fight or deny the reality of their situation when...

The why – and how – to practise speaking under pressure: why it matters, and...

Low clarity equals low impact and it’s so common when speaking in public: in fact...

If you find that you’re regularly speaking too fast when presenting, there can be many...

If you speak regularly in front of groups, at some point you’re probably going to...

Some powerful internal questions to influence up, if you’re nervous or threatened by hierarchy. Hierarchy...