Sarah Denholm – Improve Your Public Speaking Presentation and Influence Skills Training Coaching Melbourne Australia

Should you Move About When you Present, or Not?

Should you move around when presenting?
Should you move around when presenting?

As presenters, people tend to fall into two opposing ‘choreography’ camps when they’re in front of a group – you may recognise yourself here:

  1. You stand stock-still (often hiding behind – even hanging onto – the lectern), barely twitching except to advance a slide

Advantage: you feel better because you’re in a safe space (or safer – of course it’s all relative!)

Disadvantage: it’s a boring, un-engaging look for your audience, and using so little physical energy  is unhelpful for you too – if you’re nervous, that adrenalin and cortisol will ‘bank up’ in your system and perpetuate any physical symptoms of nervousness. Plus you won’t be able to access enough of the energy you need to get your message across effectively

2.You do the opposite and roam the floor:  like a speaking nomad looking for a place to set up camp for the night.

Advantage: you’re burning off nervous energy, so you feel a bit better than if you were standing still

Disadvantage: it’s distracting after a while,  and usually arouses low-level anxiety in the audience with your constant moving about

Do you recognize either of these two styles in yourself (or others)?

As you work on your speaking skills and get the fundamentals in place, like overcoming nerves and creating a solid core message and sticking to it, you can begin to work  physical placement into your preparation. You deliberately work out where you’re going to stand, when to move upstage, or away from the lectern – and there’s a solid reason behind it…and then you practise the movements enough to make them look spontaneous.

Please note that I am not talking about rehearsing hammy, over-the-top gestures that look like you’re auditioning for a histrionic T.V. soap! Of course that’s just going to look stage-managed and fake. What’s important is to start learning about owning the space you’re speaking in, and using that space in the most effective ways to get your message across.

Action steps:

Then you need to physically practise those moves until they come naturally.

To sum up: physically owning your speaking space is another important key for good presentations, and a great way to create high audience engagement.

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