How strong is your mind-to-mouth connection?
One of the things we’re always aiming for when we speak is to be clear. Sometimes to be impactful as well, but definitely to be clear. [Video content is below, too, if you prefer to watch.] And one of the key reasons that we don’t achieve this clarity goal is when our mouth is ahead […]
Do you Prefer “I feel” or “I think” when you Speak? And Why it Matters.
Speaking with a younger client hoping for promotion this week, she was telling me about meeting a partner in her firm to discuss her concerns about a team process. And I noticed in her retelling of the conversation with him that she was continually using “I feel” and “I felt” to describe what she was […]
Don’t fight reality when speaking in public
Many of my clients try to fight or deny the reality of their situation when they have a presentation or important event coming up. And I’ve found, interestingly, that while it’s more for fearful or anxious clients, it’s also common with highly confident clients who lack the time or focus to devote to their talks […]
How Much Time Should You Spend on Context in an Interview?
Whether you’re answering a behavioural interview question using the STAR structure (Situation, Task, Actions, Results/Reflections), or giving upfront context during a presentation or meeting: what’s the best % ratio to use when you’re giving that context? How can you avoid spending too long on setting the scene? I used to get bogged down in detail with […]
Why and How to Practise Speaking Under Pressure
The why – and how – to practise speaking under pressure: why it matters, and 2 super-practical tips. Do you ever get frustrated by the fact that you can practise and be fine at home or in front of the dog…but when you get into the actual space, things start to unravel? Or you feel […]
Speak to me, not ‘everyone’!
Speak to me, not ‘everyone’ As communicators, we’re always on the lookout for ways to connect and engage with our audience. What do you think is not ideal in these two examples? 1. An email I received this week from UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees): “Dear Sarah, Thank you to everyone who has […]
The Value of Volume When You Speak
What do I mean by the value of volume? The amount of sound we make when speaking in public has impact far beyond simply people being able to hear us. And it doesn’t matter if you’re highly experienced, or new and nervous: working with aspects of volume is a great way to access greater courage […]
Low Clarity Equals Low Impact When Speaking
Low clarity equals low impact and it’s so common when speaking in public: in fact it’s one of the key areas my client and I focus on. Whether you’re experienced or just starting out, it’s easy to forget just how important being clear with our goal(s) for speaking and messages are. It’s also important if […]
Start Speaking Strongly – Simple Tip
Start Speaking Strongly A video tip for you today on starting cleanly and precisely in a way that can potentially give you more impact if you’re chairing a meeting or emceeing an event or you’re giving a presentation. It’s probably something you’ve never thought of before, and it’s an easy one to try. This will […]
Asked a Difficult Question? One Way to Navigate Away
Do you struggle with knowing what to say when asked a difficult question? One way to navigate away from it is by using a specific ‘attention-directing’ technique. Whether it’s being hit with a tricky question during a meeting or presentation, or caught in a 1:1 situation and don’t want your answer to be “I don’t […]