Next LIVE courses starting soon: Level 2 14 or 15 March. Level 1 2 or 3 May. 

How to Practise Your Presentation: Practical Tips (And What Not To Do)

There are many different ways to prepare: today I’m going to talk about practising your talk in the outer world, but working with your inner world  – using mental rehearsal and relaxation techniques – are also important if you’re nervous. Practising can help in showing you: what you need to fix in order to make your […]

Low-Energy Speaker? 3 Simple Ways to Rev Yourself Up

We’ve come to the 6th of 7 essential skills of a good speaker in my C.R.I.S.P.E.R formula (see here for the overview article). The 6th skill is energy. When we speak in front of others, we need energy. Not bouncing off the walls, but enough the audience doesn’t ‘tune out’ in front of us, but instead […]

Practising Your Presentation: Why Don’t You Do It Properly?

I’ve learned over my years of experience both as a speaker and a Classical pianist, that fear about an upcoming talk – or concert – is simply telling me to prepare: to get ready for the event. To give you an example:  when I was much younger and more foolish, I was booked to give a […]

3 Great Reasons From Neuroscience To Practise Your Presentation

Today’s post covers 3 great reasons to practise your presentation, taken from neuro-scientific research. Practice is No. 5 in my C.R.I.S.P.E.R series of good speaking skills (these skills are: being Clear, Relevant, Insightful, Succinct, Practised, Energetic and Respectful – the overview article is here).   Reason No. 1: thicker neural pathways create precision and certainty […]

Be Succinct: Public Speaking without the Clutter

Is your talk too ‘cluttered’ for your audience to act on? These structure tips will help. A few years ago I was looking at houses to buy, and visited properties that were ‘open for inspection’. At one house, the outside looked very appealing, well cared for and with a great garden. The real estate agent […]

Defeating Speaking Fear – New Landscape

Defeating speaking fear through a new landscape. Speaking anxiety? I’m always looking for new or different ways that fearful clients can find a workaround for theirs. And I found one in an article about procrastination byTimothy Pychyl in Psychology Today. It’s about your goals and what stops you. And it ties well into defeating speaking […]

Pitching your Idea: Clarity and Inspiration from Starbucks CEO

How’s this for clarity of words and vision when doing a sales pitch? When CEO of Starbucks Howard Schultz was pitching to investors in the late 80’s the idea of setting up coffee shops in the U.S. he didn’t focus on the coffee. He said this instead: “we’re going to build a 3rd place between […]

How to Ensure that your Talk is Relevant

A vital skill for any good speaker is knowing how to tailor your talk to your audience, and it’s no.2 on my C.R.I.S.P.E.R. list of essential skills (clear, relevant, insightful, succinct, practiced, energetic, respectful). Here are some suggestions for you, particularly if you’re not yet an experienced speaker. It can be helpful to focus on […]

The Essential Speaking Skill of Clarity

In my article last week I gave you an overview of 7 Skills of Every Good Speaker, from which I’ve created the acronym C.R.I.S.P.E.R (clear, relevant, insightful, succinct, practised, energetic, respectful). Here’s my take on the first skill: clarity. On finishing reading a book: “confused, but in a more profound way” – Lily Tomlin Isn’t […]

7 Skills of Every Good Speaker

I’m going to write a series of articles on skills that every good speaker possesses: today’s article is an overview, and I’ll devote an article to each individual skill in the coming weeks. I would be fairly certain that even if you think you’re not a good speaker, when you read the list below you’ll […]